Monday, September 15, 2008

Tap Dancing Classes

Edward is enjoying Tap dancing lessons, but I need to find a different place for him if he wants to continue. Our rec center leaves something to be desired. Our first day, we were greeted by a teenage girl with a bit of an attitude. She informed us that she was not going to let the parents stay and watch (umm....this wasn't not mentioned anywhere in the sign up for the class and in all the other classes we have participated in through the rec center we have been able to stay). I looked at her and told her that I would have to see if that would be okay with Edward, as he had not been prepared that he would be being left alone. Plus this broke Kirks heart, he doesn't get to watch Edward do very many activities and he was looking forward to seeing Edward do this. Plus we are new to Tap Dancing so we have no clue what he should be doing to improve. When I said I was going to have talk to Edward first, in a very snotty tone of voice she "informed" me that she had already talked to her boss and her boss was backing her up. her boss Edwards parents or the parents of the other children in the class????? No!!!!!!! Oh trust me, when I get a chance I will be calling the director of the Rec Center and having words about this with them. I understand why she is doing it, because the children tend to pay attention better when the parents aren't there but in the same hand we have no clue what he is doing or suppose to be doing. She will only tell you if you ask her when you pick them up and then she is very vague about it. I was able to find a place locally that provides a Kindertap class, I just need to be able to remember to call them. I have to do so during the day when we are schooling, by the time I get a chance to think for myself and remember it is after 5pm. I am not sure if we have already missed the sign up date for the semester or not. So needless to say, Kirk and I feel that Tap Dancing Classes for Edward are all that they could be for him to truly get an idea about Tap Dancing.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That stinks. Unforunately a lot of places are like that. I do see their point but it should have been something that was told to the parents. They should do what a lot of places do. THey have the parents come in for the last 10 minutes of class to see what was done that day. Kiarrah and Rey both take class and I can stay but choose not to because they act goofy when I am there.