Friday, December 12, 2008

Sorry Virginia.............

Well, the other night Edward informed Kirk and I that Santa was not real. I wasn't really shocked by this but Kirk was actually (and surprisingly) a little bit upset by this revelation coming from our 5 1/2 yr old son. To top it off, Edward has informed that the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny aren't real either. I guess no one can ever say that we warped his mind in the sense that we had him believing something was real, only to turn around when he was older and tell him we lied point blank to his face about it.
Now, please don't think that it was us who told him. We don't make a big deal out of Santa (we do have stockings and get pictures with Santa....LOL....I asked Edward about the Santa's we get pictures with and he just said it was some man in a costume working a job) or the Easter Bunny (we do have baskets and find eggs) but we have always made a point to make Jesus's birth the main focus of Christmas and Jesus's resurrection the main focus of Easter.
Kirk asked him where he had learned such a thing and Edward said in Sunday School. He said that some kids were talking about the fact that there was no Santa (this when we went to the other church and Pre-K through 5th grade were in Children's Church together. Edward said that the teacher confirmed this by saying that Jesus's Birth was the reason we celebrated Christmas.
I was kinda shocked by Kirk's initial reaction because we together had always agreed that Santa and the Easter Bunny were not to be made a big deal of. I think that it was just the point that Edward was so grown up about the whole thing that upset Kirk. I think it made Kirk see that Edward was growing up and not a baby anymore....maybe even a little analytical.

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