Monday, May 21, 2007


Edward just finished Blastball (these are pictures from his one and only practice). They had 4 games altogether....Every Monday for a Month. The name of his team was The Bears and they work Green (this color) t-shirts to their games that said Blastball on them. It was a great introduction to T-ball. Next year he will still be young enough to play Blastball, so we will sign him up for that again. He seemed to enjoy himself greatly and learned a lot of valuable lessons about Sportsmanship, Teamwork and Sharing. Being an only child, who is homeschooled we felt that these were very important lessons for him to learn. You could tell that he was the only child on the team without siblings, because he was the one out in the field laying in the grass throwing a screaming fit because someone else caught the ball. His Nana got to come and see him play 2 of his 4 games. Of course both daddy and mommy were there to cheer him on at all his games and his practice. We have a ton more pictures. I just haven't uploaded them to my computer yet because it desperately needs to be reloaded. For those of you who aren't familiar with what Blastball is, the children hit the ball off of a tee. The ball is soft (like a nerf ball) and so is the bat. The children only run to 1st base and when they jump on it, it honks. There is no score left and the games only were 45 minutes long. If you hadn't played all four innings by then, that was okay. The game was still over. Great for little ones and to see if they even like the sport. They also have Munchkin Tennis through our rec center but Edward is fully booked both set of sessions with that, so we will not be able to do that this year. Maybe next year. We just want to give him the opportunity to try all sports, even though neither Kirk or I are sporty people. We don't want our dislikes and likes to flow over on Edward, we want him to decide for himself....after all he is his own person. We try very hard to take this attitude towards everything from food to activities. Of course there are a few activities that because of being homeschooled that we do feel aren't optional choices....we do them as a part of his curriculum.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Look out Mark Maguire!!! Check out that Pitch