Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nana Comes to Visit

My mom (aka...NANA to Edward) came to visit us for 2 weeks from May 3rd to May 16th. She got to experience our busy daily lives. She was able to enjoy 1 bowling league session with Edward (he bowled a 73 and a 77 that week with his New 8lb Toy Story Bowling Ball...he broke the 6lb ball he got in Feb....he is doing awesome with the 8lb ball...thought it might be to heavy for him but he handles it quite well). She also got to go to his Bowling Awards Ceremony the following Friday with us. He received another trophy, which is now proudly displayed in his bedroom. She also got to see his participate in 2 games of blastball. She also was able to go to 2 of his Kindermusik classes with us. He had one of his 3 birthday parties on the 11th with his Kindermusik pals, so she was there to help out with that. She was also here for his other 2 parties. More on his parties in a later blog post. I hope that she had fun. She helped him to make a couple neat Mother's Day Presents for me. More about Mother's Day in another blog post. LOL!! We of course also enjoyed going to Yoder (a local Amish community) together and we went and saw Georgia Rules together. I personally loved the movie thought it was a good flick. We also visited and she helped me get some things caught up around here...which was a thankful help to me. I already miss her. We plan to go see her in March for her birthday, it had dawned on me that Edward and I haven't ever spent her birthday with her. I thought he would enjoy that.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sounds like you had an awesome time. I would have loved to go to Amish COuntry with you. I am so happy Edward gets to spend special time with his nana. It is something he will always treasure