This afternoon, the Co-op Party Commitee (I am a chair for it), had a Happy Un-Birthday Party for the kids. We figured this was easier because we could celebrate everyone's Un-Birthday together instead of the expensive of trying to have a monthly Birthday Party for the kids. It was great fun. We played musical carpets (we used carpet squares instead of chairs they were easier to set up and put away), Drop the Tea Bag (played like Drop the Penny but instead of pennies we used tea bags (with strings and tags) and instead of bottles we used tea cups from a child plastic tea set. We were going to do a "tea" relay race but it was way to cold outside for this so we opted out (basically you were trying to get water (tea) from a bucket with a childs plastic tea set cup to the other end of the yard and pour it into a teapot). I think it was a success and the kids had a great fun.
Today we went to a Pumpkin Patch for a co-op Field Trip. We had a great time seeing a pig race, taking a hay ride and picking our pumpkins (some of us were braver than others and tromped through the mud (it has been raining on and off pretty much all week) to pick a pumpkin for the patch) that they had already picked and up on the front lawn to take home. It was a great time together however, I was greatly disappointed it wasn't as long or fun as I had hoped it would be. Next year we will schedule our PP field trip to a larger PP (one with a huge corn maze). This is what happens when you try to please the masses.