Saturday, September 15, 2007
Pre Dawn Babbler
Edward had a tough night sleeping. He finally ended up in our bed. He tossed and turned for a while then decided around 4:30 am that it was time to talk. We were awake for about an hour. He was just chattering away, including telling some stories that he made up. It was cute but tiring for us needless to say. Daddy wasn't feeling well so he went to sleep on the couch. Edward shortly there after asked to go back to sleep in his bed. I put him in his bed, stretched out in ours but guess what that didn't last that long. Edward was back and after about 15 more minutes of chattering, tossing and turning he finally went back to sleep. THANKFULLY!!! LOL!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ouch, my poor baby!!!
Today Edward broke his right thumb at bowling league. Here's how it happened. He was doing so well, he was doing really well bowling without me being right by his side. I was sitting up at the table watching him. He took about 2 to 3 steps over the line about before I could anything, he raised his bowling ball to throw it and went sailing backwards, ball still in his hand. He was very upset needless to say. We (myself, his coach and the head of the youth bowling league) all checked out his hand the best that we could (he wasn't to keen on us looking at it), we couldn't see any swelling and he seemed to be able to move his hand easily. He just wanted to go home, so we forfeited the 2nd game and left. I went by Starbucks to grab a iced coffee for myself and a frap for Kirk. I stopped by Kirk's work to have him see if Edward would let him look at it and to see what Kirk thought. By the time we got to Kirk's work the fat palm part under his thumb was about 3 times as large as his left hands. We both agreed he needed to be taken to the ER. So I rushed Edward to the Newton ER. They took x-rays and found that he had a non displaced fracture of the thumb. He has to wear a splint for the next 6 to 7 days. He isn't allowed to go bowling for about 2 weeks. He has to go back to his pediatrician in 10 days and get follow up x-rays to ensure that it has healed correctly.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
First Week Of Official Curriculum
Well this week has been exciting so far. Monday we started our Official Curriculum for Preschoolers by Horizons (published by Alpha Omega Publications). Edward is able to write the Letter A both upper and lower case on his own. He is able to pick a upper case A out of a word. He is reading a pre-reader book all by himself (called Polar has pictures with words below like Big and Little, Cold and Hot). He is so excited that he can do this. This week we are also doing the colors :Red, Blue and Green. Triangle is our shape of the week and 1 is our number. Our memory verse for the next two weeks is Genesis 1:1. Edward is learning that God is always listening and that He made the world and us. He really likes the globe of the world and he knows where Kansas is on the globe and can find it if you twirl the globe around away from the US. It is just amazing to watch him learning and catching on to things. Next week I will begin supplementing his curriculum with other activities. I needed to know basically how long the main curriculum will take daily, that seems to be about 2 to 2 1/2 hours. He is also learning self space and general space. Name recognition (he pretty can pick his name out of any list of words, he has been able to do this for over a year now since he has been "writing" his name for a while now). He has also been learning about Families, Fathers. Today we learned about Firefighters and Police Officers. Of course that included the use of 911. We took Edward to the Kansas State Fair this past weekend, of course it was used as a learning opportunity. We didn't get to see all what we wanted, so weather permitting we plan to go back this coming weekend to see the rest. Edward started Monart last Friday. He says he doesn't like it but it has only been 1 week so far, I asked him to give it a chance. If he still doesn't like it after this session, we will hold off on another session until next year. He started Kindermusik today. He seems to like his new teacher. They are doing the Kindermusik See What I saw curriculum this session. There are 4 other little boys and 1 little girl in his class, only 3 of the little boys beside Edward showed up today. The only thing that I am not to thrilled about is that they cut down the 15 week curriculum to 12 weeks because some parents felt inconvenienced by the length of the 15 week curriculum. I hope that next session they will offer a shorter curriculum for those who like that but also a original 15 week curriculum for those of us who want our children to get the most out of the experiences.
Bubbles, Bubbles, Giant Bubbles
Here's that recipe (we doubled ours...this is the orginal recipe not doubled):
6 cups warmish water ( I found that it helps to disolve the soap and corn syrup)
1/2 cup Dish Soap (Dawn Orginal works best, we used orginal Dawn Ultra Concentrated....worked wonderfully)
1/8 cup light corn syrup
Mix very gently and pour slowly into a aluminum turkey roasting pan (or the lide of a large trash can). Avoid agitating soap mixture into foam, so bubbles form easily. This works best on a humid day with no wind.
We used this as a Science Project/Experiment. Edward was so excited about this as soon as his teacher gave us the items for the project. All the way home from Co-op Class I heard "We need to go to the store to get the items to make my bubbles". He enjoyed playing with the bubbles and seeing how big he could get the bubbles. We had a perfect day for doing this project.
Edwards Co-op Nature Box
Summer Bowling League Fun
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