Today is Kansas's 147th as a State. Kansas became a state on January 29th, 1861. We had a Kansas Day Celebration with our Co-op today. We learned that Kansas's state song is Home, Home on the Range (didn't know that). That the Fly Swatter and Mentholatum were both invented here. Pizza Hut and Icee's also originated in Kansas. George Washington Carver and Amelia Erhart, as well as the first monkey (Able) in Space were from Kansas. The illustrators of Beetle Bailey and Dennis the Menace were from Kansas. Smokey the Bear was created by Rudolph Wendelin, who was born and raised here in Kansas. Kansas is known as the Sunflower state but also the Wheat state. The most wheat is grown here in Kansas. Newton where we live was one of the large Cow Towns back in the days. Edward husked a corn cob with an old fashion hand crank corn husker. He also hand stitched a Triangle Quilt Block. We saw wool being spun into yarn on a spinning wheel, then we saw cottons being woven into dishtowels on a loom. There was an elderly man who had hand carved wooden animals, which he had on display. We learned about all the rocks and minerals that can be found locally, and about the birds that can be seen (which we have seen quite a few of them around our house).
The Western Meadowlark is Kansas's State Bird.
The Honeybee is the state insect.
The Ornate Box Turtle is the state reptile.
The Buffalo is the state animal of Kansas.
The Barred Tiger Salamander is the state amphibian.
The Cottonwood is the state tree of Kansas.
The Sunflower is the state's flower.
We learned quite alot about about Kansas today, we are looking forward to learning even more about Kansas as we continue to leave here. As time goes by we will also be delving deep into the state History of Washington State, Oregon, South Dakota & Oklahoma.