I hope that your Mother's Day was a joyous one. I was able to spend this Mother's Day with my own mother. We got her a new Digital Camera. It was great to be able to bless her with something that she wanted. The Digital Camera that she was using was slow responding after you clicked and the pictures were dark even with the flash. She needed a new, more up to date one. She helped Edward to make some presents for me. They painted a ceramic bird house, made me a sun catcher and a purse that I can hang around my neck when I go places like the zoo or the park and don't want to lug my purse with me but still need to have my id, credit cards, cash and or passes with me. Very cute and will be very useful. Kirk also took Edward to our local Rec center to make Mother's Day Gifts for me. He painted me a hand towel, lamented hand prints, a card, and a picture frame. I also received a pink bowling ball and a bowling bag (as per my request). I also got roses, a card and a balloon. It was a great day for me. Now it is time for me to get things done for Edward to give to Kirk on Father's Day. We will do that the week right before Father's Day. We are going to make him a t-shirt that Says: Property of my Kid...it will have Edward's hand prints on the front and footprints on the back. We also got him another T-shirt about Dad's and a leather travel dual, foldable picture frame for him to use when he travels. Still need to find a few more things for Kirk plus something special from me for him, after all he is the love of my life and the father of my child....I want him to know that I think he is an awesome Daddy and that I appreciate all he does for Edward.