Thursday, October 26, 2006
Why oh why do little boys have to be so destructive? I love my son don't get me wrong. I just don't care for his sometimes destructive ways. I know that he doesn't do it on purpose, that he is just being explorative and a little boy. Just needed to vent and SCREAM.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Night Time Visitor
For some strange reason lately, we have been having a night time visitor in our bedroom. Edward gets up and comes crawls into our bed. This is not a huge deal but I don't sleep well when he sleeps with us. It was bad enough when we had a King size bed, but we had to buy a Queen size for this house because we couldn't get a King up the stairs, so it is even more unbearable. Got to love him though, he is so snuggly and loving.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Disaster Zone

Shhhhh!!!! NO TALKING!!!!
Edward is SO FUNNY!!! If Kirk and I are talking after we have laid down for bed. Edward will get fustrated with us. He will come into our room (all you see is his little figure because it is dark), and he tell us (holding his finger to his mouth) SHHHHHHHH!!! NO TALKING!!!! Sleep!! This cracks me up because, I have no clue where he got this from. We have never gone into his bedroom and told him that before.
Monday, October 16, 2006
No Halloween Celebrated Here
We don't celebrate Halloween in our house. We celebrate Fall/Harvest
This is our choice. We feel that Halloween is not a holiday, that we as Christians should celebrate. Yes, that means our son, doesn't get to go trick or treating but we don't feel that he is missing out on much. It is just so dangerous to go trick or treating anyways. He is old enough to understand that Halloween is a day (thanks to the fact that people do celebrate it and tend to decorate their homes (some not so tastefully)) that might look fun, but we are trying to give him our Christian values and see that it isn't a day that God would want us to celebrate. So since we kept seeing houses decorated for Halloween, and Edward wanted to decorate, we decorated for Fall/Harvest. We have a beautiful fake pumpkin that is engraved with a great saying: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, on each side of that pumpking which is sitting on a couple of bricks to give it some height, is a scarecrow, a boy and a girl....they are cute not scary looking. So that you can't see the bricks we have 2 small potted mums in front of the bricks. On our 2nd step down are 3 more fake pumpkins. These ones look like real pumpkins. We bought them at Wal-Mart. No carvings in them. I had another big basket full of mums but they died in the warmer days that we had a few weeks ago. We had planted Marigolds in the front yard in the little wooden wheelbarrow left behind by the previous home owners, but we have a squirrel in the neighborhood who will not leave them alone, he keeps digging them up. I finally gave up. We have a beautiful fall wreath hanging by the front window, beside it is a fall pumpkin sign welcoming friends, and beneath that is a slate plaque with a basket of apples, that says happy harvest. So see we do decorate, we just choose to do it for Fall/Harvest not Halloween. For the most part Edward seems to understand that Halloween is a no no, but I think it might be a little harder to explain next year but God will help us with this. I have a few great books to refer to incase he has questions. Praise the Lord for those.

This is our choice. We feel that Halloween is not a holiday, that we as Christians should celebrate. Yes, that means our son, doesn't get to go trick or treating but we don't feel that he is missing out on much. It is just so dangerous to go trick or treating anyways. He is old enough to understand that Halloween is a day (thanks to the fact that people do celebrate it and tend to decorate their homes (some not so tastefully)) that might look fun, but we are trying to give him our Christian values and see that it isn't a day that God would want us to celebrate. So since we kept seeing houses decorated for Halloween, and Edward wanted to decorate, we decorated for Fall/Harvest. We have a beautiful fake pumpkin that is engraved with a great saying: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, on each side of that pumpking which is sitting on a couple of bricks to give it some height, is a scarecrow, a boy and a girl....they are cute not scary looking. So that you can't see the bricks we have 2 small potted mums in front of the bricks. On our 2nd step down are 3 more fake pumpkins. These ones look like real pumpkins. We bought them at Wal-Mart. No carvings in them. I had another big basket full of mums but they died in the warmer days that we had a few weeks ago. We had planted Marigolds in the front yard in the little wooden wheelbarrow left behind by the previous home owners, but we have a squirrel in the neighborhood who will not leave them alone, he keeps digging them up. I finally gave up. We have a beautiful fall wreath hanging by the front window, beside it is a fall pumpkin sign welcoming friends, and beneath that is a slate plaque with a basket of apples, that says happy harvest. So see we do decorate, we just choose to do it for Fall/Harvest not Halloween. For the most part Edward seems to understand that Halloween is a no no, but I think it might be a little harder to explain next year but God will help us with this. I have a few great books to refer to incase he has questions. Praise the Lord for those.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Booby Holder
The other day, Edward and I were in the store (Kohl's), we were buying some clothes for the fall and winter. I had just gotten done in the men's underwear department and we were heading towards the register, we just happen to walk past the women's lingerie department. Edward saw the bras. He says to me "Mommy do you need a booby holder?" I about fell over laughing. I said to him, "Do you mean a bra?" He say's "Yeah! A Bra, a booby holder."
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Just Call Me Chatty Cathy Today

I bet you are wondering why in the world I have been so chatty today, just a bunch of little things to share today. Like the fact that Edward is being a stinker pot today. He has been in more trouble today than any other day. Boy, I can't wait for him to be a teenager....LOL, yes I can!!!!!!!! I pray that this is just a phase and nothing permanent with his attitude. Thank the heavens we live in the Bible belt where a firm but loving spanking on the behind isn't frowned upon or against the law. That is one good thing about not living in WA state. They don't even like you to look at your child(ren) wrong up there. I personally feel that a spanking when needed is an acceptable form of punishment. That being said though, I also believe that as children get older you need to let them talk, to think about what they have done. Give a chance for them to correct their error(s) before administering corporal punishment. I don't condone time out. I think it is a huge joke. 95% of children in my opinion (having been a live out nanny, day care worker, child care provider and now a SAHM) do not learn anything from time out. I believe that the form of punishment administered depends on the individual child. Different things work with different children. One size punishments do not fit all. How did I get on that subject, oh yeah....Edward being a stinker pot.
If Only.........
If only I could bottle Edward's energy, I would be such a great wife and mother. I would have the energy to get everything I need to get done in my day, plus have time for myself. Wow what a miracle that would be. He has so much energy, sometimes just watching him makes me tired. Why do we loose that energy as we get older, at a time when we truly need it?
Strange Little Boy
Edward is sometimes a little on the strange side. Like this morning, he had a jelly and butter sandwhich for breakfast on Whole Wheat Bread. Not strange but then he said he was still hungry and guess what he wanted to eat as a follow up to the sandwhich? SALAD!!! That is right, salad. He loves salad and almost all veggies. Not that I am complaining, I think it is great. BUT SALAD for BREAKFAST?????????? Of course you know I let him have it. So he had salad with salad spritzers (Red Wine Mist flavor) on it. To much!!! Side note he only had that dressing because his favorite (Light Done Right Raspberry Vingarette) was all gone.
A Giant in Munkin Land
I just have to share this and trust me it is going to take a lot to get this out, without me falling on the floor busting up in laughter. Edward has a new nighttime ritual. Please note Edward sleeps in a Toddler size Thomas the Tank Engine bed (the one with the toybox at the front and kind of looks like your actually sleeping in Thomas (all you would need to do is add the rest of the side walls and roof)). Edward now thinks that his daddy (6ft tall and well over 250lbs) must crawl into this bed with him and cuddle, sometimes for up to an hour. It takes all I have not to bust up laughing when I see Kirk trying to scrunch is large frame into the small bed. He has to curl up in the fetal position with his feet hanging over the edge. It is just to much. Edward has even had me scrunch myself into his little bed at times. Trust me I have to be more comfortable than Kirk in that tiny bed. God Bless Kirk's heart, he does it out of love for Edward. Edward just wants to be with his daddy, he misses him terribly during the day while Kirk is at work.
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Love of my Life
I am simply in love with my son. He is a pure joy to watch grow. A miracle and a blessing from God. Without him in our lives, I could almost promise (especially with Kirk's accident) our marriage might not have lasted the last 2 years. He makes every day interesting and so full of wonder and suprise. Sure he can be a child, a boy and demanding, but trust me it is all worth it when the day comes to an end. His smiles, warm fuzzy hugs, soft sweet kisses and lovable "I Love You's".
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
We survived
Well we're back from oral surgery for Edward. He was a trooper and went with the nurses willingly....almost made me cry. They said he was awesome and that he didn't cry at all. He was done in just a matter of minutes. Waiting for them to take him back was the longest part of the whole ordeal. We arrived at 615am and were walking out the door by about 750am. He doesn't seemed phased by any of it...he is already being Edward. :0)
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Wiggles Live
We (thanks to Kirk) were able to take Edward to see the Wiggles live tonight. He (and we) had a blast. It was fun and very active. If you ever get a chance to see them live, I suggest it highly. It is a delightful experience for the whole family. I will say that if you do go, take a long a rose (or two) for Dorothy the Dinosaur, a bone for Wags the Dog and a homemade signs about the Wiggles with your child(ren)s name(s) on it. This will make your experience all the better. I promise fun will be had by all.
Oral Surgery Tomorrow
Edward has his Oral Surgery tomorrow. I am nervous about my son being put under and having a surgical procedure done on him (even though I know it is just a small procedure). He is my baby and I want to be there with him during this but during the actual surgery....even before they put him under....we can't be with him. I know he is going to cry and scream, fight them to get to us. I just know it is going to break his heart and mine. Luckily for me Kirk, will be there with me. I don't think I could go through this alone. Will let you know how it went.
Friday, August 4, 2006
Oh WHAT a week it has been
Hello! Sorry I haven't written this week. It has been HELL around here. Last Saturday (the 29th of July) Edward was washing his hands and he slipped and fell, hitting his mouth on our sink. He ended up shoving one of this front teeth up into his gum. So we have spent this week seeing a dentist (after our ER visit on Saturday night), and an oral surgeon. He has a surgery to remove the tooth from his gum on Wednesday the 9th of August. We (edward and I) leave the very next morning for WA state and a 20 day vacation there. I am spending today cleaning the house, will have to run to the Post Office here shortly to mail somethings off, but 85% of my day will be spent cleaning house....ohhhhh what fun!!!!!!! We have decided to supplement Edwards Preschool Homeschool Program we are putting him in Kindermusik again this year and he will also be joining a Bowling League for 3-6 yr olds called Bouncing Bumpers. He gets a free bowling ball at the end of the League which is 22 weeks long. Next year he can join the Homeschool League. I was going to also put him in a Monart program but I don't think this program is a fit for us right now. So we will hold off for another year maybe. They also have programs for Homeschoolers. In 2 years when he starts Kindergarten we can join the local homeschool organization here in Newton. Kinda stinks though that we have to wait until then to start it. I am thinking about trying to find some local moms who homeschool kids Edwards age so we can do things together. I will have to find them. Well thats the long and the short of it here.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Does the Insanity Ever END???
Family....Friends.....Dogs......Children......Pleasing everyone.........Peacemaker.............Loss of hair. Things are just insanely crazy for me and I don't know if this insanity will ever end. Does it seem that way for you? I need a maid, someone to motivate me, someone to finish unpacking from our move, someone to pack for our vacation, dogs to quit barking, Edward to quit dragging the dogs around the house, dogs to bathe themselves, sleep, people to be where they say they are going to be when you travel 2 1/2 hrs to see them, people to be more giving of themselves and their time and less demanding of me and mine when I am the person who always adjust her schedule for other, sleep, quiet, time to myself, a good book, a nice warm bubble bath, Laundry to do itself, glass that doesn't collect dust and fingerprints, a child who listens better, sleep, a husband who was more romantic, central heat and air, more friends and less worries, and did I mention sleep?????
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Our Wednesday
Well today was a good day, Edward got to go and meet his new peditrician. I like her and he just LOVED her. She is very nice and child friendly, was playing catch with him and so forth. It was great. Not all business if you know what I mean. However we did have to wait 35 to 40 minutes past his appointment time to finally see someone, but at least we got to wait in a exam room. Not always sure if that is a good thing or not. Today is a HUGE fluid day. It is soooo hot here....rumor has it we will break records today and tomorrow in the heat area. Edward got a new basketball (by little tikes) hoop, and he wants so bad to go out and play with it. I put it in the shade so it was a little cooler, filled his sand and water table, but still he opts (can't blame him) to stay inside and veg out infront of the TV. Should have gotten him a sprinkler, but still not 100% he would play in it or even enjoy it. Probably better he is inside, he is so fair skinned like me that he gets red really easily. I have started to get things ready for making some Christmas Gifts this year. I am excited, I just hope that I can get them done in time, seeing as I am starting kinda late this year. Can't tell what they are :0). Well I am going to soak my feet in some cool water. Love to all. God Bless
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Well here it is Tuesday and they say it is going to be 107 here today, can you believe that? HOT! HOT! HOT! Makes me wish I was back in WA state where it is only suppose to be 73 degrees. That sounds so refreshing. I am hoping that it will be cool there when we go up in Aug, warm enough to enjoy the outdoors but cool enough where your not uncomfortable....know what I mean? Life has not changed since I posted yesterday, however today I am going to go get my Kansas Driver License. I hate getting my picture taken, so this should be fun. I have to take Edward with me, hope he will cooperate long enough for them to quickly take the picture. I will let you know how it turns out. Edward is watching Noggin right now, tomorrow he goes to meet his new pediatrician. I am hoping that she is as good as the one we had back in OK. It is so hard to replace good doctors. However on the good side, I did hear from the Kindermusik teacher that I have the best OBGYN in the area. I will see her for the first time (the OBGYN that is) in Oct, unless I get pregnant before then and seeing as how I will be out of state in Aug, I doubt I will need to see her before then. Praying that September will be the lucky month for us, a June baby would be hot summer time pregnancy. Well better cut this short, need to go and try to make myself look good for that stupid driver license picture, which you know no matter how good you look they always look bad.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Our New Life In Kansas
Well life in Kansas is starting to get a little smoother. I have about 1/2 to 2/3 of the house unpacked now. Still have a lot to do though, especially before we go to WA state to visit. Don't want to leave to much for Kirk to do while we are gone. He will have enough to worry about. Today has been a lazy day though....except for the fact that I braved the heat here and mowed our back yard and the yard around the garage and carport, still have the front yard to do though. To hot, will wait until Kirk gets home this evening.
Besides preparing for our trip to WA, I am also trying to get Edward signed up for Kindermusik and looking into Monart for him. I also am starting to finalize homeschooling plans for him for this fall. He will be in Preschool, next year will be Pre-Kindergarten and then Kindergarten. I am excited but also scared about this adventure we will be beginning.
Kansas so far is nice, hot this summer though. It was 105 yesterday, a 102 (or higher) today and will be about 104 tomorrow. That is HOT!!!
Loving our new house. There are a few things we will be changing as we get the money (like getting a landscapper to do the yard, and a painter to redo the inside). Kirk is wanting to do some modifications to the house later on.
Still trying to get pregnant, will wait until Sept now though do to the fact Kirk is super busy at work and I will be gone.
We are going to be taking Edward to see Thomas for a Day Out With Thomas in Oct down in OKC, OK. Speaking of which Edward and I are taking a little trip down to OKC,OK this weekend to see a dear friend and to get Edward a hair cut. I also want to do a little shopping.
Well that is about it here for now. Will keep you posted.
Besides preparing for our trip to WA, I am also trying to get Edward signed up for Kindermusik and looking into Monart for him. I also am starting to finalize homeschooling plans for him for this fall. He will be in Preschool, next year will be Pre-Kindergarten and then Kindergarten. I am excited but also scared about this adventure we will be beginning.
Kansas so far is nice, hot this summer though. It was 105 yesterday, a 102 (or higher) today and will be about 104 tomorrow. That is HOT!!!
Loving our new house. There are a few things we will be changing as we get the money (like getting a landscapper to do the yard, and a painter to redo the inside). Kirk is wanting to do some modifications to the house later on.
Still trying to get pregnant, will wait until Sept now though do to the fact Kirk is super busy at work and I will be gone.
We are going to be taking Edward to see Thomas for a Day Out With Thomas in Oct down in OKC, OK. Speaking of which Edward and I are taking a little trip down to OKC,OK this weekend to see a dear friend and to get Edward a hair cut. I also want to do a little shopping.
Well that is about it here for now. Will keep you posted.
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