Well, the other night Edward informed Kirk and I that Santa was not real. I wasn't really shocked by this but Kirk was actually (and surprisingly) a little bit upset by this revelation coming from our 5 1/2 yr old son. To top it off, Edward has informed that the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny aren't real either. I guess no one can ever say that we warped his mind in the sense that we had him believing something was real, only to turn around when he was older and tell him we lied point blank to his face about it.
Now, please don't think that it was us who told him. We don't make a big deal out of Santa (we do have stockings and get pictures with Santa....LOL....I asked Edward about the Santa's we get pictures with and he just said it was some man in a costume working a job) or the Easter Bunny (we do have baskets and find eggs) but we have always made a point to make Jesus's birth the main focus of Christmas and Jesus's resurrection the main focus of Easter.
Kirk asked him where he had learned such a thing and Edward said in Sunday School. He said that some kids were talking about the fact that there was no Santa (this when we went to the other church and Pre-K through 5th grade were in Children's Church together. Edward said that the teacher confirmed this by saying that Jesus's Birth was the reason we celebrated Christmas.
I was kinda shocked by Kirk's initial reaction because we together had always agreed that Santa and the Easter Bunny were not to be made a big deal of. I think that it was just the point that Edward was so grown up about the whole thing that upset Kirk. I think it made Kirk see that Edward was growing up and not a baby anymore....maybe even a little analytical.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Yellow Candle
Edward was in his first Christmas Pageant this past Sunday. He was a yellow candle on Jesus's Birthday Cake (they held up a candle that was cut out of posterboard in the color that represented which candle they were to be on the cake). He did very well, a lot better than he did a few weeks prior at the Co-op Choir Performance. He spoke his lines very clearly and smiled. He was so cute. All the kids did great. The Older 3's and Pre-K were hilarious....they were enamoured with the huge screens feeding the live videos of them preforming. One little girl kept jumping up and down, watching herself on the screen and another little boy kept taking off across the stage. Way to cute and funny.
First Play
We have taken Edward to things like Elmo Live, Thomas Live, The Wiggles and so forth. Yesterday though, we went to our first real live play with our Homeschool Co-op Group. We went and saw The Worst Best Christmas Pageant Ever. This was based on the book by Barbara Robinson. It was put on by a Childrens Theater Group. It was very well done. Edward loved it and he was very good through the whole play. I was so proud of him. He says he would like to give acting a try sometime and maybe in a play himself one day.
It Was SO Easy Daddy!
Lets see where should I begin.......
Two Father's Days ago, I bought a Wii for Kirk (thought he and Edward would have fun with it plus I saw some of the things actually got you up and moving). We looked at the directions and didn't install it because we wanted to put it in the room with the projector and larger screen. We didn't see how in the world we were going to be able to install the eye bar thingy plus to be honest it looked complicated to set up.
Then we had builders come in after last Christmas and do a remodel/renovation/add-on to our house. Well during that time, Edward had gotten into the boxes for the Wii and we thought for sure that some of the pieces had gotten lost. After the builders were done, we moved all the boxes upstairs to the new theater/play room. There the Wii sat until yesterday evening.
Last night, Edward without saying a word to me went upstairs. I thought he was just playing. He gets the phone and calls his daddy on it. Says to Kirk "Daddy. I have the W-i-i all set up for us to play in my room (he has his own tv)." Kirk had just pulled into the driveway at that time Edward called him. Kirk comes in, says to me "Do you know he says he has the Wii set up in his bedroom?" I say "No! How could he? I thought we lost all the pieces plus we couldn't figure the thing out." Kirk goes upstairs to have a look at what Edward says he has done. Sure enough our 5 1/2 yr old has successfully installed the Wii and has it working. The only thing that he did wrong was he had the disc in backwards. Oiiieee, he is way to smart and ingenious for us. He and Daddy played it last night and boy did they have fun. This is something that we may never live down, after all we were ready to ditch it or sell it. I guess that goes to show Edward will get the job done and work towards what he wants. That is a plus.
Two Father's Days ago, I bought a Wii for Kirk (thought he and Edward would have fun with it plus I saw some of the things actually got you up and moving). We looked at the directions and didn't install it because we wanted to put it in the room with the projector and larger screen. We didn't see how in the world we were going to be able to install the eye bar thingy plus to be honest it looked complicated to set up.
Then we had builders come in after last Christmas and do a remodel/renovation/add-on to our house. Well during that time, Edward had gotten into the boxes for the Wii and we thought for sure that some of the pieces had gotten lost. After the builders were done, we moved all the boxes upstairs to the new theater/play room. There the Wii sat until yesterday evening.
Last night, Edward without saying a word to me went upstairs. I thought he was just playing. He gets the phone and calls his daddy on it. Says to Kirk "Daddy. I have the W-i-i all set up for us to play in my room (he has his own tv)." Kirk had just pulled into the driveway at that time Edward called him. Kirk comes in, says to me "Do you know he says he has the Wii set up in his bedroom?" I say "No! How could he? I thought we lost all the pieces plus we couldn't figure the thing out." Kirk goes upstairs to have a look at what Edward says he has done. Sure enough our 5 1/2 yr old has successfully installed the Wii and has it working. The only thing that he did wrong was he had the disc in backwards. Oiiieee, he is way to smart and ingenious for us. He and Daddy played it last night and boy did they have fun. This is something that we may never live down, after all we were ready to ditch it or sell it. I guess that goes to show Edward will get the job done and work towards what he wants. That is a plus.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Gobble Gobble
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope that today was a beautiful and blessed day for you and yours. We (Kirk, Edward and I) had a traditional Thanksgiving meal....well, pretty much traditional. We fry our turkey instead of cook it in the oven. YUMMY!!! It is a great time saver too. Took about 1 hr and 15 minutes to cook a 20lb bird. I made cranberry sauce for the time. It was yummy. Don't think I will ever go back to canned again. I also mad a Sweet Potato Casserole this year instead of the Sweet Potatoes we usually make. Of course we had pie for dessert. It was basically a nice simple meal. I can't wait until tomorrow when we get to have left overs in the form of sandwiches. We do miss sharing the holiday with our family though, that is the down side to living so far from home...can't just hop in the car and drive to grandma's for the extended weekend. All in all it was a great day.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Do Re Mi Fa So La Te Do
This past Saturday our co-op children who take Choir had their 1st Semester Performance. They sang so beautifully. It was like the angels singing and brought tears to ones eyes as you heard them singing such beautiful praise music to our Lord and Savior. Edward wasn't so keen on the idea but he still did well. He will be a candle on Jesus Birthday cake at the church that we are going to for their children's Christmas Pageant. Please pray for us as we are searching for Gods will about a new church family. We love our old one so much but there are some issues that we just can't over look. We need a church with a great childrens program for Edward. This new church has that, we have gone 2 weeks now and so far we like it a lot. The sermons are what we are use to...book by book, verse by verse through the Bible for the most part. That is also a plus for us. A lot of the families that go to our Homeschool Co-op also attend there, so that is another huge plus. This church is only about 3 or 4 miles from our house verses the other one being well over 30 miles away.
Choir Preformance,
Homeschool Co-op
Inside of a Pumpkin
We don't celebrate Halloween at our house, so Edward has never carved a pumpkin. In science we have been learning about seeds, flowers, plants and trees. So during the second week of November, we cut up a pumpkin, so he could see the inside of a pumpkin and help to to expand on his knowledge of seeds, plants and so forth. I know that he had a blast doing it. I unfortuantly got busy and we didn't get around to baking the pumpkin or roasting the pumpkin seeds and I had intended. However at Co-op during our recreation meal of the First Thanksgiving from 1621, he was able to taste both of these items the way that the pilgrims would have made them back them.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Glockenspiel
Edward got his glockenspiel this week in Kindermusik. He has one more class left in this session and then wont have classes again until Jan. We will be spending a little bit of each school day practicing it. All of the children were so excited to recieve their first real insturment and work together on leanring to play it. I will post some pictures in the near future of him playing it.
May I madame?
1 2 3 1, 1 2 3 2, 1 2 3 3..... Edward has been learning about Mozart and the period of time that he lived in, in Kindermusik class this past session. What I thought was really neat, is that part of what he was taught was how to dance the minuet. The moms and the children learned together, how to dance the entire minuet in 3 classes.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
School Pictures
In Science Class, we have been learning about plants, trees, leaves, seeds and so forth. Today as a part of our science lesson, we played in the leaves out front of our house. Then we took a nature walk; collecting leaves, doing bark rubbings and talking about the differences in the leaves and that some still have chlorophyll, while others have already lost all their chlorophyll thus turning them, their beautiful reds, yellows, oranges, rust, purples and browns. We are very lucky that we live on a street that has so many different deciduous trees. When we got home with our leaves, we sent them through our lamenator, to preserve them for further study.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Plays and Concerts
We went to church this morning. They announced that the children would be doing a Christmas Play this year. We signed Edward up to participate. His part wont be a huge one but he will still get to be in his first play. I can't wait. I will let you know how it goes. I hope that the play wont be until Nana is here, she is coming for Christmas this year. This will be her first Christmas with Edward. He is looking forward to sharing Christmas with her. Last year was his first Christmas to share with a Grandma. Grandma Bev came and he loved that. Now it's Nanas turn. It is so hard being so far away from family, especially during the holidays. So much we want to share with them.
He will also be having his first Choir Concert on the 22nd of November. He participates in Choir classes through our homeschool co-op.
Of course Mommy will be there, at both with her video recorder. :0)
He will also be having his first Choir Concert on the 22nd of November. He participates in Choir classes through our homeschool co-op.
Of course Mommy will be there, at both with her video recorder. :0)
Going the Extra Mile
Friday night we heard Edward in the kitchen, running the washing and what sounded like he was doing the dishes. We asked him what he was doing. He came out of the kitchen in his little footie pajamas, with his sleeves pushed up to his elbows...hands dripping wet. He smiled and came over to me, took my face in his hands and said "Mama, I am going the Extra Mile like the Elephant." This past month we have been learning about Obedience and there was a story about an Elephant who was obedient and had gone the extra mile. Amazing how much he absorbs. Once again, God reminding me that he is a little sponge soaking everything around him up (yep good and bad things). He then proceed to tell us that he was doing the dishes and was stacking them on the counter for us to load into the dishwasher later on.
Catch Up
Have you been wondering what we have been up to? LOL! So have I.....no actually September and October were busy months for us.
Edward started out bowling again this year but after only 4 weeks in, we ended up pulling him from the league. We did this because we had a situation happen that we felt wasn't healthy for Edward to be around on a weekly basis. I feel bad because he loved it so much but we wanted to do what was best for him and not cause him un-do stress. I am trying my best to take him once a month or more, it would be easier if our towns Bowling Alleys were open more during the week.
Edward is now almost 12 weeks into his 1st Semester of Young Child through Kindermusik. He will be receiving his glockenspiel in about 3 weeks.
Edward started going to Awana's 2 Wednesdays ago (this coming Wednesday will be his 3rd week). He loves it and so do we. He has to memorize Bible verses and so many other wonderful things. It is a great experience for him. He has a little vest and has to earn badges, and receives jewels in a crown for memorizing his verses. I was so impressed the first week he had to say the American Flag Salute on his own with no help...he recited it perfectly word for word. We start every school morning with reading our Bible, doing our devotional, calendar work, saying the Flag Salute, the Christian Flag Salute and the Bible Pledge. It was just amazing that he after only 1 1/2 months into our school year was already able to recite it word for word. He is such a bright little guy.
Edward is still participating in Monart Classes. He drew an elephant 3 weeks ago and we were just amazed by his drawing. I will have to scan in some of his drawings and post them on the blog. We didn't have Monart Classes this last week. He only has 2 more classes this session and then nothing until mid-January.
Edward just finished up his 2 month long tap dancing classes. He loved it and desires to take more lessons. He is also asking to participate in Soccer, I just need to find acceptable places for him to participate in these activities.
I am still busy teaching the A to Z Animal Science Class for the K-2nd graders in our homeschool co-op, I also am the editor for the weekly newsletter, always am making something for the weekly luncheons and shuttling Edward to his extra activities.
Kirk is busy with work and coming home to play with Edward.
Edward started out bowling again this year but after only 4 weeks in, we ended up pulling him from the league. We did this because we had a situation happen that we felt wasn't healthy for Edward to be around on a weekly basis. I feel bad because he loved it so much but we wanted to do what was best for him and not cause him un-do stress. I am trying my best to take him once a month or more, it would be easier if our towns Bowling Alleys were open more during the week.
Edward is now almost 12 weeks into his 1st Semester of Young Child through Kindermusik. He will be receiving his glockenspiel in about 3 weeks.
Edward started going to Awana's 2 Wednesdays ago (this coming Wednesday will be his 3rd week). He loves it and so do we. He has to memorize Bible verses and so many other wonderful things. It is a great experience for him. He has a little vest and has to earn badges, and receives jewels in a crown for memorizing his verses. I was so impressed the first week he had to say the American Flag Salute on his own with no help...he recited it perfectly word for word. We start every school morning with reading our Bible, doing our devotional, calendar work, saying the Flag Salute, the Christian Flag Salute and the Bible Pledge. It was just amazing that he after only 1 1/2 months into our school year was already able to recite it word for word. He is such a bright little guy.
Edward is still participating in Monart Classes. He drew an elephant 3 weeks ago and we were just amazed by his drawing. I will have to scan in some of his drawings and post them on the blog. We didn't have Monart Classes this last week. He only has 2 more classes this session and then nothing until mid-January.
Edward just finished up his 2 month long tap dancing classes. He loved it and desires to take more lessons. He is also asking to participate in Soccer, I just need to find acceptable places for him to participate in these activities.
I am still busy teaching the A to Z Animal Science Class for the K-2nd graders in our homeschool co-op, I also am the editor for the weekly newsletter, always am making something for the weekly luncheons and shuttling Edward to his extra activities.
Kirk is busy with work and coming home to play with Edward.
Catching Up,
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Future Republican

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Origami Me Please
Want a good laugh? I have been teaching a A to Z Animal Science Class for our homeschool co-op. I have 23 children signed up for my class. The basic curriculum comes from our local zoo, I supplement it further with researching the web for more information and facts about the animals. So far we have done Alligators and Bats (I now know more about these animals that I ever thought I would). This coming week is Cranes. Last week we made bats that we glued together onto crafts stick, so that you could fly your bat. With Cranes we will be attempting (using this term lightly as these kids range from Kindergarten age to 2nd grade) to make Origami Cranes. Let me first say, I have never done any time of Origami in my life. So yesterday while Kirk picked up Edward from Tap Dancing Class and took him to the park, I worked on honing my skills at this craft. It took my 5 tries and they still aren't perfect. Trust me Origami is as complicated (if not more so) than it looks. Near the end of his Kindergarten Year, Sonlight has them doing some Origami. I better keep practicing, so I know what I am doing. I love homeschooling....I get to learn new things right along side of Edward at times.
Animal Science,
Homeschool Co-op Classes
No Soccer This Fall
I really need to find a good place for soccer. Maybe I am wrong but I don't think that 5 yr & 6 yr old children should be practicing soccer at 7pm until 7:30 or 8pm. Edwards bedtime is 9pm and I don't think he should be doing an activity that winds him up right before bedtime. This is another activity offered through our rec center. Parents are the coaches, we didn't recieve a call about the first practice until 3 days before it. She could even give me at that time set days for weekly practices. With our schedule we need set days and preferably earlier times. So we just ended up dropping soccer altogether this time and will be asking around about Soccer Programs. Edward will of course be taking the British Soccer Challenge again this summer. That is through the rec center but I must say it is the best program I have ever participated in through them.
Tap Dancing Classes
Edward is enjoying Tap dancing lessons, but I need to find a different place for him if he wants to continue. Our rec center leaves something to be desired. Our first day, we were greeted by a teenage girl with a bit of an attitude. She informed us that she was not going to let the parents stay and watch (umm....this wasn't not mentioned anywhere in the sign up for the class and in all the other classes we have participated in through the rec center we have been able to stay). I looked at her and told her that I would have to see if that would be okay with Edward, as he had not been prepared that he would be being left alone. Plus this broke Kirks heart, he doesn't get to watch Edward do very many activities and he was looking forward to seeing Edward do this. Plus we are new to Tap Dancing so we have no clue what he should be doing to improve. When I said I was going to have talk to Edward first, in a very snotty tone of voice she "informed" me that she had already talked to her boss and her boss was backing her up. Ummm....is her boss Edwards parents or the parents of the other children in the class????? No!!!!!!! Oh trust me, when I get a chance I will be calling the director of the Rec Center and having words about this with them. I understand why she is doing it, because the children tend to pay attention better when the parents aren't there but in the same hand we have no clue what he is doing or suppose to be doing. She will only tell you if you ask her when you pick them up and then she is very vague about it. I was able to find a place locally that provides a Kindertap class, I just need to be able to remember to call them. I have to do so during the day when we are schooling, by the time I get a chance to think for myself and remember it is after 5pm. I am not sure if we have already missed the sign up date for the semester or not. So needless to say, Kirk and I feel that Tap Dancing Classes for Edward are all that they could be for him to truly get an idea about Tap Dancing.
We are 3 weeks in....
We are 3 week into our school year. Edward is finding Kindergarten to be a great adventure. He is loving science. He especially likes the experiments (we have done 3 so far). I like most of the Sonlight Curriculum but I think that there needs to be some serious work and updating done on their Language Arts program. I think we might look for a different one to use next year. We will be starting Explode the Code, as soon as it arrives. I had to order it. We will also be using some of the Tatrus Method once we have our letters down. There are some letters that still allude Edward, but he is getting more and more of them every day. Edward also love math. We are using Math U See, plus working on money. Right now we are working on pennies mainly, plus sorting quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. We have already finished the Box Car Children (book 1). We started the Arrow and the Apple today. I think he will love the story of William Tell. He is very excited about the crossbow that we read about in the story. Of course we also mapped out where the Alps are, along with Austria and Germany on our map. He seems to like map work. We are also doing Calendar work, learning the days, weeks and months. We working on learning the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag, Christian Flag Pledge and the Pledge to the Bible. Of course during calendar time, we also talk about the weather and seasons. We are working on writing our first and last name. Edward has been able to write his first name for a while now but we need to work on neatness. I love the Reason for Handwriting. Edward seems to love it too. We are also doing the Horizons Health, I like it for the most part. I am happy to report that we are able to get all of the Sonlight and various other subjects done in about 4 hours. That is nice. I will be slowly adding other things over the year for Edward to increase his learning opportunities as I feel that is some ways Sonlight is way to laid back on various things but since this is only Kindergarten I don't want to push it to much either....know what I mean?
2008 School Year,
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It Might Be Hit and Miss
Edward will be starting school next Tuesday, we have a full fall ahead of us with 8 weeks of Tap Dancing Lessons, Homeschool Bowling League, 15 weeks of Kindermusik Class (this is 1 of 2 semesters that he will be taking this school year...next year will be his last year and then it will be some sort of musical instrument lessons...these classes will help him to make a very educated decision as to what instrument interests him the most), Homeschool Co-op Classes (2 of which I am teaching), Church, 6 weeks of Soccer and not to mention school lessons. With all these activities, my computer time is going to be very limited. I will try my best to keep up with everyone but Edward, his education and social activities take place over computer time. He will be my soul focus for the next 43 weeks. Of course I will be posting here as much as I can about Edward activities, homeschooling adventures, and life in general to keep you all up to date the best I can.
We are also off this weekend for one last mini family vacation. Have a beautiful Labor day Weekend with your family and loved ones.
We are also off this weekend for one last mini family vacation. Have a beautiful Labor day Weekend with your family and loved ones.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Edward's Newest Endeavors
Today was a big day for Edward, he got his first official Library Card. We will be going to our local Library once a week, so that he can learn how the library system works and how to utilize it. He is so excited that he has his very own Library Card.
Edward's newest interest is Tap Dancing. We watched Singin In The Rain a few nights ago and he loved the tap dancing portions. Kirk asked him if he wanted to take Tap Dancing Classes, at first he said no but he has agreed to give it a try. We found a beginner class that is 8 weeks long (once a week) at our local Recreational Center. We figure this will be a great way for him to see if it is something he truly is interested in.
Also, he will be playing soccer for the first time this fall. He took a soccer camp this summer and loved it. He has been begging ever since then to play soccer on a team. We found a team for 5 yr olds/Kindergarteners, also through our Recreational Center. There are 6 games, this means it should be 6 weeks long weather permitting. Of course there will also be practices. This is where we could get into trouble and may have to drop this idea all together, as we have a pretty full week with Kindermusik and Bowling League, in addition to Tap Classes. Will keep you posted and of course there will be pictures of Edward tap dancing.
Edward's newest interest is Tap Dancing. We watched Singin In The Rain a few nights ago and he loved the tap dancing portions. Kirk asked him if he wanted to take Tap Dancing Classes, at first he said no but he has agreed to give it a try. We found a beginner class that is 8 weeks long (once a week) at our local Recreational Center. We figure this will be a great way for him to see if it is something he truly is interested in.
Also, he will be playing soccer for the first time this fall. He took a soccer camp this summer and loved it. He has been begging ever since then to play soccer on a team. We found a team for 5 yr olds/Kindergarteners, also through our Recreational Center. There are 6 games, this means it should be 6 weeks long weather permitting. Of course there will also be practices. This is where we could get into trouble and may have to drop this idea all together, as we have a pretty full week with Kindermusik and Bowling League, in addition to Tap Classes. Will keep you posted and of course there will be pictures of Edward tap dancing.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Another Thompson Family Update
I just noticed that it has been 15 days since I have blogged....like others I use my blog to communicate with family and friends who live a great distance from us and are unable to share in our daily lives. I also use it as a way to keep record of our lives. I plan to print out my entries and make keep them for Edward to share with his children and their children.
We have been very busy this month preparing for the upcoming school year. Edward will be starting Kindergarten in just a few more weeks. Public School officially started here (also in OK and TX) last Thursday. I think that it is just to hot out and still to summery for kids to be cooped up in a class room. We will start our school year the day after Labor Day. Edward is looking forward to school. We will be using Sonlight this year for our curriculum, along with Horizon's Health (K), Math-U-See (primer), Character First (series 1), and A Reason For Handwriting (K). We will also be learning some Spanish this year using Teach Me Spanish CD. Next semester we will be learning some French using the same series. Then I plan for him to learn Hebrew the first semester of 1st grade. We aren't learning to write any of these languages yet, just what they sound like in familiar childrens songs. When Edward gets to 3rd Grade we will use the Rosetta Stone Homeschool Series to learn these languages more in depth. We will also be working on America Sign Langauge this year too. We are also going to be using Tatras to an extent to learn to read, this is also known as Vertical Phonics. I have heard good things about this. Thank you Renee for showing me this program...you are always so kind to share.
Edward starts Kindermusik Young Child 1 tomorrow. He starts Homeschool Bowling League on the 4th of Sept (he rocked during summer league...he bowled a high game scratch of 105, a high series of 196 and his game average was 81...he was 2nd highest in game average and in high series, would have been in high game scratch if he would have just bowled a 107 or better game. Not bad if you ask me). This will be our last year for summer bowling league. Next summer he and I will go bowling once a week together. He will be moving up that fall to the Batnam's League which is sanctioned and doesn't allow bumpers. We will be working during the summer to get use to bowling without bumpers, with out the distractions or pressure of being on a league. Plus there were somethings that I saw during summer league that I just don't want Edward to be around or see. I think a break will do us good and we will see about doing a summer league in 2010.
Our Homeschool Co-op starts on Sept 5th. I will be teaching 2 classes this semester. A Arts and Crafts Class for Pre-K to 2nd grade and an A to Z Animal Science Class (this is a curriculum that is through our local zoo) for K to 2nd grade. My Arts and Craft class is only 6 weeks long. The A to Z Animal Science Class is actually 2 semesters long, so I will teach that class all school year long. I am looking forward to it.
I just have to share what we are having for dinner tonight....stuffed head of tenderloin (as seen on one of Edward's Favorite Food Network Shows; Good Eats), this is stuffed with crumbled blue cheese....Kirk's mouth has been watering ever since he saw the show so I thought I would fix it for him. We will also be having Parsley and Chive Mashed Potatoes, Broccoliflower and Purple Cauliflower (we haven't had either of these so I thought they would be fun to try), butter and egg dinner rolls, and for desert petite strawberry shortcakes. Is your mouth watering yet? I will have to let you know how this dinner turns out. One night I also plan to make Swedish Potato Balls (Kroppkakor) for Kirk. His mom's parents use to make them when she was a kid and he remembers eating them when he would go to visit them. He has been talking about them. I also have Swedish on my side of the family, I think it would be great for Edward to taste some Swedish style foods. There a Swedish Community here in Kansas (Lindsborg....aka Little Sweden) that has a Swedish Festival (Svensk Hyllningsfest) once a year, I am hoping we will be able to go in either 2009 or 2011 (it's only done every uneven year). It is in Mid-October.
It is different with Sebastian gone, we all miss him so much. Thank you all for the well wishes and condolences. It has taken some getting use too. So far Bear and Storm seem to be dealing with it well.
We are off here over Labor Day weekend for a mini family vacation in Nevada. Pray everyone comes home in one piece and no one tries to amputate any of their body parts.
We have been very busy this month preparing for the upcoming school year. Edward will be starting Kindergarten in just a few more weeks. Public School officially started here (also in OK and TX) last Thursday. I think that it is just to hot out and still to summery for kids to be cooped up in a class room. We will start our school year the day after Labor Day. Edward is looking forward to school. We will be using Sonlight this year for our curriculum, along with Horizon's Health (K), Math-U-See (primer), Character First (series 1), and A Reason For Handwriting (K). We will also be learning some Spanish this year using Teach Me Spanish CD. Next semester we will be learning some French using the same series. Then I plan for him to learn Hebrew the first semester of 1st grade. We aren't learning to write any of these languages yet, just what they sound like in familiar childrens songs. When Edward gets to 3rd Grade we will use the Rosetta Stone Homeschool Series to learn these languages more in depth. We will also be working on America Sign Langauge this year too. We are also going to be using Tatras to an extent to learn to read, this is also known as Vertical Phonics. I have heard good things about this. Thank you Renee for showing me this program...you are always so kind to share.
Edward starts Kindermusik Young Child 1 tomorrow. He starts Homeschool Bowling League on the 4th of Sept (he rocked during summer league...he bowled a high game scratch of 105, a high series of 196 and his game average was 81...he was 2nd highest in game average and in high series, would have been in high game scratch if he would have just bowled a 107 or better game. Not bad if you ask me). This will be our last year for summer bowling league. Next summer he and I will go bowling once a week together. He will be moving up that fall to the Batnam's League which is sanctioned and doesn't allow bumpers. We will be working during the summer to get use to bowling without bumpers, with out the distractions or pressure of being on a league. Plus there were somethings that I saw during summer league that I just don't want Edward to be around or see. I think a break will do us good and we will see about doing a summer league in 2010.
Our Homeschool Co-op starts on Sept 5th. I will be teaching 2 classes this semester. A Arts and Crafts Class for Pre-K to 2nd grade and an A to Z Animal Science Class (this is a curriculum that is through our local zoo) for K to 2nd grade. My Arts and Craft class is only 6 weeks long. The A to Z Animal Science Class is actually 2 semesters long, so I will teach that class all school year long. I am looking forward to it.
I just have to share what we are having for dinner tonight....stuffed head of tenderloin (as seen on one of Edward's Favorite Food Network Shows; Good Eats), this is stuffed with crumbled blue cheese....Kirk's mouth has been watering ever since he saw the show so I thought I would fix it for him. We will also be having Parsley and Chive Mashed Potatoes, Broccoliflower and Purple Cauliflower (we haven't had either of these so I thought they would be fun to try), butter and egg dinner rolls, and for desert petite strawberry shortcakes. Is your mouth watering yet? I will have to let you know how this dinner turns out. One night I also plan to make Swedish Potato Balls (Kroppkakor) for Kirk. His mom's parents use to make them when she was a kid and he remembers eating them when he would go to visit them. He has been talking about them. I also have Swedish on my side of the family, I think it would be great for Edward to taste some Swedish style foods. There a Swedish Community here in Kansas (Lindsborg....aka Little Sweden) that has a Swedish Festival (Svensk Hyllningsfest) once a year, I am hoping we will be able to go in either 2009 or 2011 (it's only done every uneven year). It is in Mid-October.
It is different with Sebastian gone, we all miss him so much. Thank you all for the well wishes and condolences. It has taken some getting use too. So far Bear and Storm seem to be dealing with it well.
We are off here over Labor Day weekend for a mini family vacation in Nevada. Pray everyone comes home in one piece and no one tries to amputate any of their body parts.
We wanted to wish Happy Birthday to Jim, Mom T (Kirk's Mom), Oma Du (my Grandma), Paige (our beautiful neice), and Charlene, who all have birthdays in August. Also Happy Anniversary to my brother and his wife.
For those praying for us, please remember that Kirk goes at the end of next month to see the Urologist. Will keep you posted.
Catching Up,
Friday, July 25, 2008
Edwards Big Night
This week was VBS....the theme was Pirates. Edward has been enjoying himself. Tonight there was an alter call for anyone who wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Edward raised his hand and went up. He was the first child to go up. He prayed that Jesus would come into his heart and be his Lord and Savior. PTL! Yes, I had tears in my eyes. I know that Edward knew what this meant because he stated afterwards that this meant he would get to go to heaven and not to the bad place where Satan was. After Edward was done, it was like a flood gate was opened and about 10 more kids followed suit and got saved.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Swimming Lessons
British Soccer Challenge Camp
In June Edward participated in a British Soccer Challenge Camp, he loved it. It was his first time to play soccer. His coach said that he was good on the defense. He had a great time making new friends. He says he wants to play soccer again. He seemened to enjoy it alot more than he did playing Blast Ball.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
National Childrens Day!
Did you know that today was National Childrens Day? NCD is the 2nd Sunday of June. During this time you are asked to make a commitment to your child(ren) or the child(ren) in your live. An example of that commitment is: As a parent/guardian, I will commit myself, in the coming year, to love, cherish, nurture(physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual needs), and affirm...
And No Kids this doesn't mean that there are presents involved except those that your parents have for you on their commitment cards. To me those are the best presents of all that a parent or someone that loves you can give to you.
And No Kids this doesn't mean that there are presents involved except those that your parents have for you on their commitment cards. To me those are the best presents of all that a parent or someone that loves you can give to you.
Watch Out Edward is at the Wheel
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hold Your Children A Little Tighter
Please cherish every moment the Lord give you with your children because you never know when it might be your last. Yesterday morning I received a phone call from the head of our homeschool Co-op letting me know that one of my fellow homeschool moms passed away this morning. She was about my age (35) and had 3 beautiful children (a 12 yr old, a 8 yr old and a 4 yr old (approximate ages of the children)). Her name was Desiree also. There was no know reason for her passing this morning. I don't know when we will know. All I can do right now is think about those 3 beautiful children and the fact that they will never have their mommy tuck them, kiss them, laugh with them, cry with them, hold them when they hurt or rejoice with them when they accomplish something. Please keep her husband, their children and the extend family in your prayers at this time. Please hug your children and let go of the small stuff. Time is just to short.
************** UPDATE ***************added June 11, 2008******************
Desiree had been having some issues with fainting and her heart, they aren't sure if this is what took her life. I haven't heard about the results of the autopsy yet. A correction about her age she was 32 (born on Dec 1975...). When I was reading her obituary in the paper, I found it odd that not only did we both share the same first name, but our grandmas did too (Sylvia). She will be greatly missed. Please continue to keep her family in your prayers as they are facing some huge adjustments in their family right now.
************** UPDATE ***************added June 11, 2008******************
Desiree had been having some issues with fainting and her heart, they aren't sure if this is what took her life. I haven't heard about the results of the autopsy yet. A correction about her age she was 32 (born on Dec 1975...). When I was reading her obituary in the paper, I found it odd that not only did we both share the same first name, but our grandmas did too (Sylvia). She will be greatly missed. Please continue to keep her family in your prayers as they are facing some huge adjustments in their family right now.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Just Attended My First Homeschool Convention
Wooooo whoooo!! I went to my first homeschool convention this past weekend. I was unable to attend any of the workshops but that is okay because I was able to buy them on CD to listen to at my convenience. I can not wait to get started on that...I have 21 of them to listen 2 plus to others that I bought at a speakers booth on some subjects not covered at the convention. I was able to see so many products and pick the things that look right for us to use this year. Edward is now officially signed up to use the Sonlight K curriculum. Just purchased it. We are also going to be using Math U See (Edward is already begging to start this and I think we will), Character First, A Reason for Handwriting and A Reason for Spelling. I bought the newcomer on the Sonlight so the items I don't intend to use, I will be selling next year at the used book fair that our co-op puts on. I just had to share. Next year I plan to go both days and attend the workshops, Edward will be old enough to attend Adventures In Character that they have for 6 to 12 yr olds at the convention.
A Side note, Edward just started up his Summer Bowling League today. He is doing awesome. He got a 69 and a 74 today, that included 1 spare and a couple of very close other ones.
A Side note, Edward just started up his Summer Bowling League today. He is doing awesome. He got a 69 and a 74 today, that included 1 spare and a couple of very close other ones.
Homeschool Conference,
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
No Bump My Bumper Car

Instead of opting to stay home this past Memorial Day Weekend, at the last minute we opted to take Edward to Kansas City, MO to go to Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun. We had a blast. We are so glad that we decided to go somewhere after all then staying home all weekend. Trust me there were things around the house we could have gotten done but we needed a little time away as a family too. Edward has a blast. He rode lots of rides and we played for hours in the water park (Oceans of Fun). He loved riding on the Go Karts with Daddy and the kiddy bumper cars. He absolutely was funny on the bumper cars, He was a very cautious driver and didn't like having other "bump" into him. He would actually "chew" them out for bumping into his car. All he wanted to do was "drive" not "bump" the car. Needless to say we all got a little to much sun this weekend and I am the one paying the most for it. Yes, I took sunblock I just forgot the first day when I changed into my swimming suit to put reapply the block the the areas covered by my t-shirt when I orginally applied it. Trust me, I remembered the 2nd day. Well now we are back home and ready for a unusually busy week with 2 doctors appointments for me, a homeschool seminar and convention. I think that they only day I don't have something going on personally is Friday. Next week Edward starts back to bowling for the summer.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
5 yr well child check up
Edward had his 5 yr old well child check up today. He weighed in at 43lbs (in the 63rd percentile for weight) and 43 1/2 inches tall (in the 61st percentile for height). His hearing is great. He was able to complete all the tasks that were asked of him, even a few with a little comedy added on his part. They told him to look at a eye chart and he was closing his eyes to think of the shapes instead of looking at them. Then when told to cover one of his eyes, he covered both while squeezing his eyes shut. The worst part of this was the 4 shots he had to receive at the end of the visit. Good news is that these were the last of his immunizations and he will not require any others until his tetanus shot at 10 or 11 yrs old. He was happy to hear that.
Caught In The Cookie "Jar"
I had to make cookies today for the Homeschool Co-op Graduation on Saturday. I had about 2 1/2 dozen cookies cooling and on plates ready to be packaged. I had ran upstairs to get some information off the computer. I come back downstairs, and find an entire plate of a dozen cookies missing. No Edward in sight. I call for him, no answer. I call outside for him and no answer. Then I see him walking from behind the garage, headed towards the neighbors house. I tell him to come back into the house. He makes his way very slowly back towards me, I see that in his hand are about 3 cookies. I ask him where the rest are. He refuses to answer. Kirk is on the phone with me. He asks to talk to Edward. He is telling Edward to tell me that they (the cookies) just jumped into his tummy and disappeared. Edward is say no daddy that is lying. However when asked again he still denies that he ate them when there are clearly some missing (about 3 in all total...he had laid the rest of the cookies back on the empty cooling racks). Finally he fesses up that he ate them. Crazy kid. He was upset, I told him that that was okay all I wanted to know was what happened to the cookies...then I reminded him that mommy had told him to ask before he took anymore because she needed so many of them to take in the morning.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Feeding Giraffes

Friday, May 9, 2008
Why Is It????
Why is it that as soon as people hear the words "We Homeschool", they look at you like you are an alien from outer space? They instantaneously judge you and think you are a weirdo for wanting to homeschool. I hear comments all the time like "He wont be socialized", "What about College?", "Won't he miss out on the "normal" things", "How will he make friends his age", "Why don't you cut the apron strings and let him go to real life school?" and so many more. Yes, he is socialized probably far better than most kids his age. He is able to interact with people of all ages, not just children his age. Yes, he can and will go to college. Homeschool Children get High School Credits and Diploma's just like those who attend public and private schools. And guess what, they get to have a real graduation too. "Normal" things, not quite sure what is meant by this statement but if it means do I want my son going to school every day having his back pack checked and sent through a metal detector just to get into the school building...then NO I don't want him to go through those "Normal" things. If by "Normal" things, they mean introduced to drugs, bullies and peer pressure by 4 yrs old, then NO I don't want those "Normal" things for him either. If "Normal" things means having lables slapped on him by adults who are suppose to their to guide them through the most important time of their life, then NO I don't want that for him either. Now please don't get me wrong, not all public and private schools are bad, there are great ones out there ( I do feel that the public school system as a whole though is in great need of a major over haul). Not saying that there aren't any locally either, just saying that I choose to educate my son at home....where he isn't just learning Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, he is learning about God (no I don't believe that it is the churches place either to be responsible to "educate" my son in Christianity....where in the Bible does that say that....it is us, as their parents, responsibility souly to do that....church is a corner stone in that foundation of Christianity that you are helping your child build), Family Foundations, Good Ethics, A adventurous love for learning, Freedom to learn what they want and how they want, Freedom to learn they way they want (and if necessary, in a way that is souly individualized for them and their learning style), and most of all being Loved and Guided by a adult who truly loves and cares for them and their what their future will hold for them. As for making friends his own age, he has plenty of them through Homeschool Co-op, Kindermusik, Bowling League, Monart, Church and various other activities we do with him. It's not like we have him locked up in the house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Yes, I am well aware of the fact that some homeschool families are very strict about interaction and so forth. But do not judge me and the fact that I choose to homeschool, based on them. Just like I don't children who are public or privately schooled, to be hellions, rebels, wild uncontrollable children. I know some great children who are in public school as I speak. I love them for who they are not how they are educated. We have just educated ourselves, looked at all the options, prayed about where and what God had in store for us in the means of Education and went where He led us. I live in a country where this is a FREEDOM, it is My CHOICE not that of those around me. This is a FREEDOM I am grateful for each and every day. I do not take this FREEDOM light and neither does any of the homeschooling families I personally know. Each of us have chosen to homeschool because that is what God has called us to do for our children and our families. As for "cutting the apron strings" I think I just answered that question. My son, is not going to be any less of a man when he grows up because he was homeschooled by his Mom, I pray that homeschooling him will make him that much better of a Man and a stronger Christian.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
My Baby's 5 today!
Well it is official, Edward is 5 yrs old. I want to cry. The time just seems to be flying by. Of course the last 48 hours, I have been going through my typical where I was and what was happening at the time of his birth mode that I do every year. He had a wonderful birthday party this past Saturday at the zoo with his friend (my laptop is down so pictures might take a while to follow). Today his Grandma (who is here from WA state to share his birthday week with him), his daddy, myself and Edward will be having an all day party to celebrate him. God truly blessed us with a miracle when he blessed us with Edward. I am ever so thankful that even with my PCOS that I was able to experience giving birth and that the product of that was my son, my blessing, my miracle, my gift from God. He was well worth the wait we had to endure. God knew the perfect time to send him to us, we love him so much and are able to enjoy him. THANK YOU GOD FOR EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Chef Edward

Friday, April 18, 2008
New Pics of Edward and I
These pictures were taken at The Picture People when we were up in WA state last month. They even had us sign a release so they could use the pictures in their studio as examples. I particularly do not care for the jumping on. My favorite is the second one. However everyone just seems to get a big kick out of the jumping one. 

Coaching? ME?
Here is one for you, if you know me you know will know why this is so ironic, I will be coaching Edward's Blastball team this year. Yep, me! They couldn't get anyone to take the position (a whopping 4 weeks plus one practice). So because I said I would be willing to do it in a pinch, I get to be the lucky one. For those of you who don't know what Blastball is. It is an introduction to T-ball. The children hit a ball off the tee, and run to 1st base only. There is no other bases to run and every child gets one turn up to bat. Once the whole team has had a turn at bat, then you switch with the team in the outfield. You play for 45 minutes then the game is over. No score is kept it is just a great way to help little ones get used to batting off of a tee, playing outfield, and running to bases. The bases they run to honks. It is cute. Edwards birthday happens to fall just right so he was able to play this year and last. Next year though it will be T-ball if he wants to continue with baseball. The reason this is ironic (me, coaching) for those who don't know me, is because I don't like sports. My son bowls and I like that, we roller skate, ride bikes and go for walks but I am not a sports person, they aren't even allowed on in my house. However that is me (and well, Kirk too....except for boxing) and not Edward. He is too young to know what he will like, so we are encouraging him to try all different types of sports out. He has taken Swimming lessons (will continue with those this summer), played Blastball (2nd year this year of that), is on a bowling league (since June of 2006 basically). He will be trying Soccer out this summer at a week long soccer camp for an hour and a half a day for 5 days. I want him to try Tennis, but that might have to wait until next year. I am not so sure about football or wrestling (those of course will be sports he will try in a few years maybe). Basketball I am still trying to find out when he can try that one. I also want him to try a few different types of dance classes like tap and jazz. I know Kirk would like for him to give boxing a try when he is older. The only thing we will not let him try is Martial Arts unless we can find a class in that with a Christian Approach to the philosophy. Basically I want to give him the opportunity to try things then make up his own mind as to what he wants to pursue. The only thing that might not be an option is bowling because that is a Physical Education Credit for him in Homeschool. I take this approach with him on other things too, like food....just because I don't like it doesn't mean he wont.
Monday, April 14, 2008
A truly sweet sound
Edward has recently been singing to the radio that we hear daily (we are avaid listeners of K-Love) and even singing songs that he has been learning in Sunday School. A few of his favorites are This Is The Day and Petra's We Need Jesus are just a few. Hearing him sing these songs are the sweetest sounds to my ears. Hearing his praise and worship to the Lord is breath taking and truly moving.
Well after much thought and prayer, I am going to be utilizing a new curriculum this coming year for Edward. I am leaning towards Sonlight. I am also interested in learning more about the Weaver Interlock curriculum. I like the Sonlight one and real feel God has laid this curriculum heavy on my heart but I still want to look at the Weaver one before I make a final decision. Iam going to my first homeschool conference on the weekend of May 30th. I need to have down what I want and need so I can get the good deals. I am so excited about attending this year even if it will just be for the shopping portion of the conference. I hope that next year I will be able to go to some of the workshops.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Edward's Birthday Party Planning
I am busy planning Edward's 5th Birthday Party. We had originally (well he did) wanted to have it again this year at the bowling alley, however when I went to set it up.....I was told that we couldn't that week because the Pepsi Tournament Finals were happening that weekend. At first this really upset Edward. We looked into having it at Pump It Up but I didn't care for their party packages. I would have it here at the house but with the renovation still going on and all that I need to get done after it is complete before my Mother In Law arrives plus the fact that we have 3 dogs, I felt it was best to just skip that thought. Maybe next year. I received our quarterly Zoo members newsletter in the mail and that reminded me that we could have a party for him at the zoo. So I asked him, at first he still was insistent about it being at the bowling alley but after a long talk and convincing him we couldn't this year, he okayed it. We are doing a Safari Adventure Party in the Education Building. I think he will like it. They will bring in a live animal and having games and cake for them, plus they get a tour of the zoo. I think it sounds like a great 5th Birthday to me. I found cute party supplies with a Swingin Safari theme. We are doing an African Safari because Edward just loves Giraffes and Elephants....Gorillas too. I bought lots of cute zoo favors for his party attendees. We have over 20 children invited (a few from Co-op, a few from bowling, 1 family from Church and 1 family from Daddy's work...plus the 2 families I use to Nanny for). This will be the first big party. His 3rd party he had 2 or 3 other little boys plus Regan and the Kimmel children. His 4th birthday was a bomb only Regan showed up for that one. We ended up having one after Kindermusik class with the children just to make up for the bomb that we had at the bowling alley. This year we know more people and he has friends from all the things he participates in. We actually have an over abundance of folks to invite and that is awesome for him. I will have pictures for all after the party is over next month.
To Funny
I don't think my Mother In Law will find this as funny but Edward keeps calling her Daddy's Grandma. I keep correcting him but he still keeps calling her that. He is so excited that she is coming for his 5th Birthday (I know can you believe that he is already going to be that old???). I just hope that by the time she gets here he has it down that she is Grandma to him but Mommy to Daddy.
Little Gentleman
I have to share this with everyone, I know I am about to be boastful & prideful .... I pray God will forgive me for my boastfulness & pride. We (Edward and I) were in Washington State on vacation for 2 weeks over Easter and my mom's birthday. We were staying in an extended stay hotel over by my grandma's. We had just gotten back on evening from visiting my Grandma (I believe...could have been my mom or both), we were walking up to the front door of the hotel where we encountered a very pregnant mommy, her daughter (about Edwards age....maybe a little older), and her little boy (about a year or so old...he was walking). The mom was trying to coax the toddler inside (it was raining out...I know big shocker in Washington state), when Edward without saying a thing walks over to her takes one of her 2 rolling suitcases out of her hands and proceeds to open the door for them, and pushes her suitcase up to the elevator. He pushes the button, the mom says to him thank you and that she could take the suitcase back. Edward looks at her and says "No Ma'me, I want to help you." He walks into the elevator, we all follow. He asks what floor (they ended up on the same floor as us, actually just 2 doors down on the opposite side of the hall), pushes the button. We get to the floor, he is still pulling the suitcase, she says she can take it. He says "No I want to take it to the room for you, ma'me." So we follow her to her room. He gives over her suitcase to her at her door. She says thank you. I was so touched by my son's insightfulness to this mom's situation and that she needed an extra hand. I must say I was proud of him and almost brought to tears by his thoughtfulness. I know that by this act alone that we are at least doing 1 thing right in raising him. Just had to share this story.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Kansas!!!!!

Today is Kansas's 147th as a State. Kansas became a state on January 29th, 1861. We had a Kansas Day Celebration with our Co-op today. We learned that Kansas's state song is Home, Home on the Range (didn't know that). That the Fly Swatter and Mentholatum were both invented here. Pizza Hut and Icee's also originated in Kansas. George Washington Carver and Amelia Erhart, as well as the first monkey (Able) in Space were from Kansas. The illustrators of Beetle Bailey and Dennis the Menace were from Kansas. Smokey the Bear was created by Rudolph Wendelin, who was born and raised here in Kansas. Kansas is known as the Sunflower state but also the Wheat state. The most wheat is grown here in Kansas. Newton where we live was one of the large Cow Towns back in the days. Edward husked a corn cob with an old fashion hand crank corn husker. He also hand stitched a Triangle Quilt Block. We saw wool being spun into yarn on a spinning wheel, then we saw cottons being woven into dishtowels on a loom. There was an elderly man who had hand carved wooden animals, which he had on display. We learned about all the rocks and minerals that can be found locally, and about the birds that can be seen (which we have seen quite a few of them around our house).
The Western Meadowlark is Kansas's State Bird.
The Honeybee is the state insect.
The Ornate Box Turtle is the state reptile.
The Buffalo is the state animal of Kansas.
The Barred Tiger Salamander is the state amphibian.
The Cottonwood is the state tree of Kansas.
The Sunflower is the state's flower.
We learned quite alot about about Kansas today, we are looking forward to learning even more about Kansas as we continue to leave here. As time goes by we will also be delving deep into the state History of Washington State, Oregon, South Dakota & Oklahoma.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Roller Skating
Are We Camping?????
Oie Vey!!!!! I feel like I am on a very bad camping trip right now. No dishwasher right now. The kitchen sink, down stairs bathroom sink, shower/tub combo and toilet will be unusable after tomorrow. We are eating off of plastic solo plates, using plastic silverware and really lightening up on cooking at home to alleviate having to washing dishes. Unlike camping though I have no room to move around....ah but I guess that is what it would be like to camp in a fifth wheel with a husband, a 4 1/2 yr old and 3 dogs....huh? Only about 5 to 6 more weeks of this madness. They are roofing the new addition today, demolishing the back half of the kitchen, updating the electric (guess they broke a gas line while I was gone earlier), & doing some clean up of debris today. PTL!!! This isn't one of those projects where it will take years. Our contractor is great and things are moving along smoothly. The addition is over half way done....just need siding put up outside, wired for electricity, dry wall put up and wood floors put down, interior and exterior doors hung....wood floors also need to be put down in the new laundry room, then the upstairs will be complete. This is the first time I have ever been in this type of situation. I can say it is a very stressful one. So many decisions to be made.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Back At It
Well, after a long break...it's back to school this week for Edward. We have been working on letters, numbers and the months of the year flashcards souly since Thanksgiving week. We needed that time. The Curriculum that we are using flies through the alphabet. It has us only spending 2 to 3 days on a letter before we move on and it doesn't have a lot of re-enforcement activities during those lessons or after to cement in the letters in the children's minds. Edward is getting better every day writing his name. It is more and more legible. So for our addition and remodel has only been a slight inconvience while homeschooling. Edward started back on bowling league last week and co-op started on the 4th of the month. The class I am teaching is going well so far. I am enjoying working with a group of children, haven't done that in a few years.
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Manipulation of a 4 year old
Edward is totally and truly a 4 year old. He has the 4 yr old mouth and attitude. Tonight he got in trouble for disobeying us several times about the same thing. He was sent to his room. He went up fussing, screaming and crying, even added a door slam for extra dramatic effect. Trust me, he would have won an emmy for best dramatic actor in a tantrum if there were such an award. About 3 minutes into his trantrum, I hear: " I love her with all my heart, I really do. My Mommy's mad at me, but I love her with all my heart." The thing is while this was cute, funny and all it wasn't just me he had gotten in trouble with it was both daddy and I. It about broke my heart.
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